Frequently Asked Questions

WHat will therapy look like?

Launch Pediatric Rehab will work with your child on their unique needs.  Traveling to you means that I can evaluate the way your child is specifically functioning in their environment & provide support with barriers they may have.  Launch Pediatric Rehab also has the flexibility to meet you in various locations within the community to help your child be successful in those settings.  I will spend time focusing on your child's specific mobility considerations to allow them to achieve maximal independence.  Within your home environment I also have the ability to determine appropriate equipment, positioning devices, and orthotic needs that your child may have.  Your child will always receive comprehensive 1-on-1 individualized treatments by a Doctor of Physical Therapy. 

what kind of space do i need?

The best space is YOUR space!  As a physical therapist, I value looking at mobility within the context of that environment.  This means, working on helping a baby learn to crawl in your living room, helping a toddler learn how to pull-to-stand up at your couch, assisting a child to perform bed mobility within their own bed, working on standing skills and navigating stairs in the areas that they live and play.  

For the older child who needs work on strengthening, physical therapists pride themselves on creatively challenging patients with functional exercises, limited equipment required :) 

Play is also a major function of a child!  Launch Pediatric Rehab holds firmly to the principles of fun & play within the context of mobility to TEACH a child how to move, strengthen these motor patterns, and strengthen their muscles in order to move their body more efficiently and safely.  Studies of the brain have shown us that the more a person is engaged in the activity (i.e. kids engaged in play), the greater impact we have on these motor maps in the brain--thus the better PT outcome!  HOW AMAZING IS THAT??

How Long are our sessions?

Our initial evaluations are 60-75 minutes in length.  Because we are not in a busy, clinical environment with the demands of patients scheduled back-to-back, my focus throughout treatment is YOUR CHILD.  In this first session, I will spend time talking to you & your child to learn more about your concerns and goals.  Then, we take as much time as needed to get the most amount of data to create an individualized plan for your child.  

Ongoing treatment sessions vary from 45-minute to 60-minute options based on your child's endurance and breadth of their needs.

Does Launch Pediatric Rehab Accept Insurance?

Launch Pediatric Rehab is an out-of-network provider, meaning we do not directly bill and work with your insurance company.  Physical therapy coverage is variable with all insurance companies and many limit the duration of therapy, the frequency of services, and the type of care that your child can receive.  Additionally, with in-network providers families can have significant bills with high out of pocket deductibles, and large co-pays and co-insurance plans.  By functioning independent of insurance limitations, Launch Pediatric Rehab can work with you to create a plan to focus on what your child needs not what a third party dictates that they can have.  Your insurance coverage may include out-of-network benefits and Launch Pediatric Rehab can provide you with a detailed receipt to submit for coverage.  

Payments are processed via Square with the ability to accept HSA/major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover), cash or check.

How do I know my insurance benefits?

We understand that navigating insurance is tricky.  Launch Pediatric Rehab has created this guide to support you.  See the link below for a guided questionnaire when contacting your insurance company regarding out-of-network benefits.

Out of Network Benefits Reference Form 

What will Launch Pediatric Rehab Bring to the appointment?

I bring evaluation equipment to take appropriate measurements of your child in addition to age appropriate activities and therapy equipment.  As we make a plan for your child's specific needs, I will continue to work with you to ensure that we have all necessary equipment for your child to meet their goals!


Launch Pediatric Rehab

Phone: (616) 294-8050

Fax: (616) 294-0392
